

The score in Thronefall consists of 4 parts: 1. Base Score, 2. Gold Score, 3. Mutator Bonus, 4. No Restarts. At the end of the game all of them are added together to get the players score. This results in this formular (see sections below for more details): (Base Score + Gold x 10 + (Base Score + Gold x 10) x Mutator Multiplier) x No Restarts Bonus


The game has an integrated leaderboard system, which can be used to compare your score against Steam-Friends. The community has created a Community Leaderboard, that shows the highest score achieved for each map.

Eternal Trials

The eternal trials are a special case in which each map gives the player a score, which is added up at the end of each stage. After the player has been defeated, all of their achieved scores are added up and a stage bonus is added. The stage bonus is calculated using this formular: (Won Stages)² × 10 000

Base Score

The Base Score consists of 3 Scores that are added together at the end of each night: 1. Night Survived, 2. Realm Protected, 3. Time Bonus.
Night Survived:
You gain +100 Score for surviving a night.
Realm Protected:
You gain up to +250 Score for protecting your buildings. If no building was destroyed, you gain +250 score. Everything below 100% protected is calculated with this formular: +250 (NOT destroyed buildings ÷ total amount of buildings)². Note that each wall segment counts as a separate building.
Time Bonus:
You gain up to +250 Score for killing the enemies fast. You gain the full +250, if you kill all enemies up to 5s after the last enemy spawned. Every bonus below +250 is calculated with this formular: +250 × ( [90s − {total time − time of last spawn} ] ÷ 85s)². Note that this means, you will not gain any score, if you kill all enemies more than 90s after the last enemy has spawned.

Gold Score

The gold score is calculated with this formular: Unspent Gold x 10. This only includes the gold you have remaining at the end of the game and does NOT include gold you have spent to buy buildings or upgrades. All gold you generate on the last night is added to the gold score, even if you did not pick it up before the victory screen.

Mutators Bonus

The mutators bonus is only added, if you used a mutator. The bonus is calculated with this formular: (Base Score + Gold Score) x Mutators Multiplier. The mutators multiplier is influenced by how many and which mutators you have picked (see the table below for reference).

Mutators Multiplier

Mutator Single Multiplier Total Multiplier
Tiger God x1.2 x1.2
Falcon God x1.2 x1.44
God of Destruction x1.2 x1.728
Wasp God x1.2 x2.074
God of Death x1.2 x2.488
Snake God x1.3 x3.235
Turtle God x1.4 x4.529

No Restarts Bonus

If the player did not use the restart function of the game, they are rewarded by an +10% increase of their score. This +10% applies to all the other Score: (Base Score + Gold Score + Mutator Bonus) x 1.1
If the player did use the restart function, their score is multiplied by 1, which means they do not recieve any further changes to their score instead.