Archery Range


Archery Ranges are a defensive building in the kingdom of Thronefall. They can be upgraded twice, and upon construction 4 units are spawned. Units respawn at the archery range slowly during the night and instantly at dawn.

The player can choose 1 out of 4 possible unit-types that are spawned by the Archery Range.

Archery Ranges can be enhanced with the Gladiator School perk.


Category Info
Name Archery Range
Building Category Defensive
Health Points 30 | 40 | 50
Units spawned 4 | 8 | 12
Building Cost 4 Gold
Upgrade Cost Level 2 8 Gold
Upgrade Cost Level 3 16 Gold


Type Description Icon
Longbow Archer Longbows have a very large range, but are quite fragile. Great pick if you manage to keep them at safe distance. image of the unit
Crossbowmen Crossbowmen have a low range, but high damage output. They are armored against ranged attacks. Bonus damage against ranged units. Less effective against flying enemies. image of the unit
Hunters Hunters are fast and effective against monsters. They have self defense capabilities in melee combat, but are vulnerable against ranged units. image of the unit
Fire Archers Fire Archers deal splash damage around their attack target and cause bonus damage against siege engines. image of the unit


You can find Archery Ranges on Nordfels, Durststein and Frostsee.