Elite Crossbow Men


Elite Crossbow Men are a heavy ranged enemy in Thronefall. They are encountered in the colder regions of the kingdom of Thronefall.


Elite crossbow men deal massive amounts of damage to you and your units. Its best to keep yourself and your troops entirely out of range whenever you can. They are quite weak against buildings, though.


Category Info
Name Elite Crossbow Man
Icon icon of the enemy
Unit Type Ranged, Tower Vulnerable
Preferred Target Units
Targets Player When hit


Attack Statistics

Statistic Value
Attacks per second 0.625
Attack Range 15 (Ranged)
Projectile Speed 30
Base Damage 15
Damage vs. Hero x0.75
Damage vs. Wall x0.15
Damage vs. Ranged Resistant x0.4
Damage vs. Ranged Vulnerable x1.5
Chase King Time 5s

The damage dealt is calculated with this formula: Base Damage x Type Value 1 x Type Value 2 x ... x Type Value n, where n is the amount of types that the target has (all types that are not provided in the table above have a Value of 1).

Defense Statistics

Statistic Value
Health Points 40
Movement Speed 4

Eternal trials statistics

Statistic Value
Difficulty Budget 3.5
Gold Limit 0


You can encounter Elite Crossbow Men in Frostsee.