

Berserks are a melee unit in Thronefall. They are unlocked upon reaching level 25 and can be recruited everywhere in the kingdom of Thronefall.


Berserks target siege units and other high health targets. They will not hesitate to sacrifice their lives for you.


Category Info
Name Berserk
Icon image of the unit
Unit Type Unit, Melee
Preferred Target Siege type, high health type enemies


Attack Statistics

Statistic Value
Attacks per second 2
Attack Range 3 (Melee)
Base Damage 2.5
Damage vs. Siege x2
Search Radius 100
Keep Distance Radius 2

The damage dealt is calculated with this formula: Base Damage x Type Value 1 x Type Value 2 x ... x Type Value n, where n is the amount of types that the target has (all types that are not provided in the table above have a Value of 1).

Defense Statistics

Statistic Value
Health Points 65
Movement Speed 6.5


You can recruit Berserks in Neuland, Nordfels, Durststein and Frostsee.