Fortress Tower


Fortress Tower is an upgrade path of the Tower. It can be chosen upon upgrading a tower to level 3 and gives the tower a massive amount of health.


This tower becomes an armored fortress, that can shoot at two enemies at once. It will not go down easily.


Category Info
Name Fortress Tower
Building Tower (Level 3)
Health Points 1050
Attacks per second 1
Projectiles per Attack 2
Attack Range 36 (Ranged)
Projectile Speed 20
Base Damage 8
Damage vs. Flying x1.15
Damage vs. Ranged Resistant x0.6
Damage vs. Tower Vulnerable x2

The damage dealt is calculated with this formula: Base Damage x Type Value 1 x Type Value 2 x ... x Type Value n, where n is the amount of types that the target has (all types that are not provided in the table above have a Value of 1).