How to contribute






Here's a list of various tools to make working with HTML easier

Downloading the wiki

Step Instructions Image
1 Go to Wiki's repository and fork it.
2 Leave everything as it is and press "Create fork".
Open the github desktop app and sign in if you haven't already.
4a On the "Let's get started" screen click on a repository that says "Your name/" and click on the clone button below.
4b Alternatively you can clone the repository via the "File" menu.
5 Once you have cloned the repository, you should get a question "How are you planning to use this fork?".
Choose "To contribute to the parent project" and press "Continue".
6 You should now see a mostly empty windows with "No local changes".

Uploading changes

Step Instructions Image
1 Once you're done with your changes open the GitHub app.
You should see list of all changed files on the left.
2 In the bottom left shortly describe what you changed, then press "Commit to main".
Then click "Push origin" in the top bar to upload your changes.

3 Once you pushed your changes, press Ctrl+Alt+P or use the "Branch" menu to open a preview of a pull request.
4 Check if the "base" dropdown is set to "upstream/main" and click "Create pull request"
5 A page should open with the detail of the pull request. Simply fill in information as needed and press "Create pull request". (again)
6 Your pull request should be public on the wiki's repository and marked as "Open" now.

Editing pages

Using a code editor

To edit pages you can use any text or code editor. Visual Studio Code is used in this guide.

Step Instructions Image
1 In VSCdoe select open folder and select the one with the wiki.
2 Select what page you want to edit in the left pane.
Wiki pages are in the about, game-content, and misc folders.
3 Understanding the <head> section.
  1. Document title Used for title in browser tabs, search results, embeds, etc.
    always include | Thronefall wiki after the page's name.
  2. Short page description just like <title>, meta description is mostly intended for embeds and search engines (and web crawlers in general).
  3. Rest of the <head> section is mostly various scripts and libraries.
4 Understanding the <body> section.
Example images incldue the template file and the file for Nordfels
  1. Title that is shown at the top of the page.
  2. All content of the page is put in this section of the document.
  3. Content that will be displed in the right column. Mainly intended for images and the contents menu.
  4. Gallery - A grid of several images. Only used for Maps.

Markup (formatting)

This guide shortly explains most commonly used tags. Visit MDN web docs or HTML basics for more information.
Click on a tag's name to learn more about it

Tag name Description
<strong> Used for bold text
<em> Used for italic text
<h1> to <h6> Differently sized headings.
Only tags H1 to H4 are used on the wiki.
H1 is reserved for page title.
<a href="URL"> Used to add a hyperlink to a text
<p> A paragraph. Automatically puts text inside on a new line.
<br> Adds a line break at the current position in the text<
<hr> Add a horizontal line at the current position in the page
<span> An element for giving a piece of text different style or function
<img src="URL"> Adds image to the page.
Requires a specific class to display correctly on the page
<ul> and <ol> Unordered and ordered list container.
Ordered lists uses numbers imstead of points.
<li> An element of a list (see tag above)

Editing guidelines


Creating tables on the wiki is quite simple, however there are certain requirements to make a table display correctly.

Visits Table basics on MDN for more information about tables.

Table elements reference:

Element name Description
<table> The main table container
<thead> Table's header section
<tbody> Table's content section
<tr> Table row
<th> Heading cell
<td> Generic cell