Leveling system

In Thronefall you level up by playing the game and earning points, which are calculated using the following equation:

[base score + (gold amount × 10)] × 1.2(mutator amount)

By surpassing certain scores you level up and get new perks, weapons, upgrades or even permanent upgrades.

Detailed List

Level Reward Description Type Icon
1 Bow & Dagger

PASSIVE: Fast ranged attack. Strong against most units but not very effective when attacking siege engines.

ACTIVE: Stab a nearby enemy with your dagger and deal massive damage. The lower health of your victim as you attack, the lower the cooldown of the ability will be.

Weapon Reward icon
2 Royal Mint

Your castle center produces 1, 2 or 3 additional gold per day depending on its level, and you start the game with +1 gold.

Perk Reward icon
3 Arcane Towers

All of your towers have +33% range and their projectiles deal +33% more damage to enemies.

Perk Reward icon
4 Light Spear

PASSIVE: Rapid melee attack. Deals bonus damage against all fast moving enemy types and slows them down for a couple of seconds. Effective against fast moving enemies.

ACTIVE: Heal yourself and significantly increase your attack speed for a brief moment. If you activate the ability while being below 30% of your max health the effect lasts longer.

Weapon Reward icon
5 Heavy Armor You have a massive +350% more health, but your horse is -20% slower at night. Perk Reward icon
6 Flails Flails can simultaneously attack all enemies in a circle around them. Melee Unit Reward icon
7 Castle Fortification Your castle center has +150% health. The interval between its attacks is reduced by -67% and its attack range is increased by +50%. Perk Reward icon
8 Perk Slot You can equip one additional Perk to use during a level (2 total). Permanent Upgrade Reward icon
9 Ring of Resurrection The first time you die each night, you are revived immediately and all of your dead units are revived with you. Perk Reward icon
10 Hot Oil While shooting regular arrows, this tower also pours boiling oil onto nearby enemies. Enemies hit by oil suffer great damage. Upgrade Path: Tower Reward icon
11 Commander Mode All of your units and buildings deal +45% more damage to enemies, but your own damage is -60% less effective. Perk Reward icon
12 Magic Armor

Enemies that deal damage to you take a part of that damage themselves.

+150% HP for your character.

Upgrade Path: Castle lvl 2 Reward icon
13 Architect's Council The build options from the next castle center upgrade are already unlocked. This means you have more building options to choose from early in the game. Perk Reward icon
14 Scarecrows Every field belonging to this mill receives a free scarecrow. Scarecrows have a strong anti-air attack. Upgrade Path: Mill Reward icon
15 Sword

PASSIVE: Slow melee attack. Deals splash damage. Strong against groups of enemies.

ACTIVE: Big strike with a larger radius, dealing more damage.

Weapon Reward icon
16 Warrior Mode The weapon you equipped becomes more powerful every night all the way up to +160%, but all of your units and buildings deal -40% less damage right from the beginning. Perk Reward icon
17 Wind Spirits Wind spirits magically intercept a portion of enemy arrows in the range of the mill. The higher the level of this mill, the more arrows are blocked. Upgrade Path: Mill Reward icon
18 Castle Blueprints Walls and towers have +100% more health. Perk Reward icon
19 Hunters Hunters are fast and effective against monsters. They have decent self defence capabilities in melee combat, but are vulnerable against ranged untis. Ranged Unit Reward icon
20 Gladiator School Units are trained +75% faster, but every barracks and each of their upgrades cost +1 gold. Perk Reward icon
21 War Horse Your horse is +20% faster and riding over enemies deals 2.5 damage. This damage increases in correlation to all of your other in-game weapon upgrades like certain castle center upgrades. Perk Reward icon
22 Falcon God Enemies are +75% faster and chase you for -60% shorter when you attack them, but you get 20% more points and XP if you win. Mutator Reward icon
23 Assassins Training

-Your auto-attack cooldown is +100% longer.

+You deal +250% more damage.

Upgrade Path: Castle lvl 2 Reward icon
24 Perk Slot You can equip one additional Perk to use during a level (3 total). Permanent Upgrade Reward icon
25 Berserks Berserks target siege units and other high health targets. They will not hesitate to sacrifice their lives for you. Melee Unit Reward icon
26 Glass Cannon You deal +100% more damage, but you have -80% health. Perk Reward icon
27 Castle-Up The upgrade costs of walls and towers get reduced by 1 every night (they will never be lower than 1, initial build costs are unaffected). Upgrade Path: Castle lvl 3 Reward icon
28 Lightning Staff

PASSIVE: Shoots a lightning bolt at all enemies in range. Enemies in close proximity to each other can not all be hit at once. That means the more spread out your enemies are, the more enemies you can hit at once.

ACTIVE: A powerful lightning errupts from your current position after a short delay and deals massive splash damage in a small radius.

Weapon Reward icon
29 Big Harbours Harbours have capacity for 2 additional fishing boats, have +100% more health, and spawn with one boat on the water. Perk Reward icon
30 Fire Archers Fire Archers deal splash damage around their target and cause bonus damage against siege engines. Ranged Unit Reward icon
31 God of Destruction Buildings only heal 25% of their health points every morning. Destroyed buildings take an additional day to get repaired, but you get 20% more points and XP if you win. Mutator Reward icon
32 Elite Warriors All of your units have +100% health, but their training speed at night is reduced by -60%. Perk Reward icon
33 Archery Skills All your archers have +60% more range and their movement speed is increased by +20%. Perk Reward icon
34 Faster Research Blacksmith upgrades start with 1 day of progress already complete, so all upgrades finish much faster. All blacksmith upgrades cost -1 gold. Perk Reward icon
35 Support Tower This tower no longer shoots at enemies. Instead it shoots healing orbs at you and your units. Upgrade Path: Tower Reward icon
36 Fortified Houses Houses have +250% more health and level 2 houses shoot arrows at enemies dealing 8 damage to enemies nearby every 1.66 seconds. Perk Reward icon
37 Wasp God In the first 3 nights, there will be +100% more enemies that spawn +25% faster, but you get +20% more points and XP if you win. Mutator Reward icon
38 Pumpkin Fields Fields give +1 additional gold per day and have +900% health, but they cost +2 more gold to build. Perk Reward icon
39 Godly Curse

If you lock onto a target, that target receives 50% more damage from all sources.

+75% HP for your character.

Upgrade Path: Castle lvl 3 Reward icon
40 Healing Spirits All healing effects on you and your units are +65% more effective. Perk Reward icon
41 Ice Magic Slow effects on enemies last -200% longer and slowed enemies move -30% slower. Perk Reward icon
42 Melee Resistancce You, your units and all of your buildings start the game with +35% resistance against melee attacks. Perk Reward icon
43 Power Tower The tower you are closest to gets a significant attack speed boost of +233%. Perk Reward icon
44 Ranged Resistance You, your units and all of your buildings start the game with +35% resistance against ranged attacks. Perk Reward icon
45 God of Death Allied units are no longer revived at night and your own revive time is increased by +100%, but you get 20% more points and XP if you win. Mutator Reward icon
46 Treasure Hunter You get +50 gold on the morning before the last night. Perk Reward icon
47 Indestructible Mines Your gold mines are indestructible. Perk Reward icon
48 Gods Lotion You regenerate health +120% faster and the delay before the health regenerations kicks in is reduced by -50%. Perk Reward icon
49 No Walls Pact You can't build any walls, but you get +10% more points and XP if you win. Mutator Reward icon
50 Melee Damage You, your units and all of your buildings start the game with +25% melee damage. Perk Reward icon
51 Firewing A flying unit that deals splash damage to ground and airborne enemies. Hero Unit Reward icon
52 Phoenix God Enemy units regenerate 8% of their health every second, but you get +30% more points and XP if you win. Mutator Reward icon
53 Anti-Air Telescope Flying enemies spawn with -25% health and deal -25% damage. Perk Reward icon
54 Health Potions All of your units heal themselves by 4% each second. Perk Reward icon
55 No Towers Pact You can't build any towers, but you get +20% more points and XP if you win. Mutator Reward icon
56 Ranged Damage You, your units and all of your buildings start the game with +25% ranged damage. Perk Reward icon
57 Stronger Heros Your hero units from the hero's quarter have +40% more health and are +40% stronger. Perk Reward icon
58 No Units Pact You can't build any units, but you get +20% more points and XP if you win. Mutator Reward icon
59 Lizzard Rider Fast archer unit that focusses on important targets like low health enemies, flying monsters or enemy support units. Additionally the lizzard can perform a melee attack. Hero Unit Reward icon